Raksha bandhan, an Indian festival citing bond of protection between brother and sister; where sister ties rakhi (a sacred thread) on brothers wrist praying for his well-being and long life and brother vows to take care of her.
Growing urbanization, where families have moved to new cities do miss their family back home especially during festivals. Technology has been bridging gaps and bringing them closer. It's easy to reach them over a phone call and hear their voice. Have a video chat to see them in action.
For such distant families, to celebrate the kind of festival in a special way, we thought of building a Rakhi celebration application using Google+ Hangout platform. This application helps in performing Tilak, sharing Rakhi, sharing sweet and gifts. This application is in alpha stage (Feedback's welcomed) to learn how technology can bring fun and liveness within our daily life.
Try it here.
Growing urbanization, where families have moved to new cities do miss their family back home especially during festivals. Technology has been bridging gaps and bringing them closer. It's easy to reach them over a phone call and hear their voice. Have a video chat to see them in action.
For such distant families, to celebrate the kind of festival in a special way, we thought of building a Rakhi celebration application using Google+ Hangout platform. This application helps in performing Tilak, sharing Rakhi, sharing sweet and gifts. This application is in alpha stage (Feedback's welcomed) to learn how technology can bring fun and liveness within our daily life.
Try it here.
Steps to use the app
- Start Hangout and Invite your family members to join
- Install Rakhi celebration app, and you shall see it running on left side of the Hang out page.
- From the rakhi app, select your family member name before performing rakhi ceremony like selecting tilak / sharing rakhi / sweet / gift.
We will be happy to hear more about the experience of the app, platform, and the fun you had with this app.