Friday, July 4, 2014

View Photos on Big (TV) Screen with Friends & Family using Chromecast

Photos, we all love taking and sharing them with friends, family, colleagues and others. Every one is equipped with a smartphone, that has a better camera - which is capable to taking great point & shoot, selfie pictures. The amount of pictures we take and share is growing rapidly. Below is sample of some images I had taken during my recent trip. 

During social events, I have seen many of my friends & relatives, spending time in organizing their photo albums, copying to a specific folder (in a USB drive) & then trying to run as a slide show on their digital album. This got me thinking, there should be a better way of doing this...

Last month, I was catching up with few friends after a long time. We were walking over our found memories and browsing fun moments (through the pictures we took).

I soon realized, there should be an easy way to take your phone, select images available on your phone and play it in my home TV. I don't want to create an album, share it with them & worry about right set of sharing rights, privacy & so forth.

Exploring the technology available, I soon build a prototype to see - how it works. Here it is - A mobile app that enables me to select pictures from my phone (Camera folder, What's App, Downloaded, Meme, or any folder) and see it on a bigger screen.

I have developed this android application leveraging - Google Cast SDK, that works with Chrome cast connected to my TV. Images are streamed directly from my phone to the TV (through cast). Hooray - I don't have to worry about uploading pictures to the cloud or usb thumb drive & then play from it.

Simple steps. Choose folder of image source, select images and then cast them one by one to your TV. 

To validate my hypothesis - here is my basic version of application on Android play store. Based on response I get; I shall develop further. Feedback always welcomed here.